Guaita què diuen!

-----Mensaje original-----
En nombre de Marc Belzunces
Enviado el: viernes, 01 de abril de 2005 15:30
Asunto: [skype] Bona notícia: Skype es passa a .PO

Això facilitarà enormement el manteniment de la traducció.

Dels fòrums d'Skype:


Author: filmil
Subject: Conversion from Skype lang to GNU Gettext .PO
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 10:57 am (GMT 0)
Topic Replies: 0

Greetings everyone.

Last night I randomly hacked a small utility that converts back and forth
between Skype lang file and GNU Gettext PO.

Anyone that has ever translated software using GNU Gettext will know why
this is a good thing. There are lots of tools available for doing
translation, and maintaining cross-version and incremental translations is
much easier.

Additional benefit is that the PO conversion utility collapses the repeated
messages so you need to type them in only once, and it knows how to
reconstruct the (redundant) lang file from the PO once it is finished.

It also helps respect the translation guidelines from
as the original text and the translation stand next to each other.

Unfortunately, it does not know to read UTF-16 yet so you will need an
external utility to convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8 when you want to produce
the template, and convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16 once you are done. I use GNU
iconv to do this.

Yes, it's a bit more technical than a casual non-techie translator may like,
but the shared opinion of many translators I've met over the years confirms
it's worth the trouble.

The program and the template (POT) file produced are available from me.

I would have put this somewhere on the WWW for all to see but since I don't
know Skype's licensing policy in detail, so I refrain from doing so at least
until Skype says it's okay to go on.

I mailed Eve Loopere about the hack and hope to have some feedback soon.

Until then, if you are interested in the POT template or the scripts
themselves, feel free to follow up to this message, or contact me in another

For more details on translation tools you can take a look at:




Marc Belzunces

Skype: marcbelzunces

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