Le 22/10/2012 15:02, Vincent Batts a écrit :
Besides dropping link silently, what are you trying to say by this?

I think this was done in a mood similar to Beavis & Butthead exclaiming something like "Huh huh SBO huh huh!"

I would certainly hope that no one thinks that maintaining a build
that is hosted in SBo means that they are serving as cheap labor. And
by passing an exam, I think that is an internal goal, and personally
finding that you can contribute to the greater community.

Joke aside: SBo is the greatest thing invented since sliced bread. Believe it or not, I'm actually *relying* on SBo for my daily work. First day today on a new assignment as Linux trainer in a company here in Montpellier, where I have to train a staff of ten Linux sysadmins from scratch (they're actually Windows sysadmins) over a four months course. Needed VirtualBox on my laptop, so I installed it with sbopkg.

The class will be based somethink like 90 % on Slackware, and 10 % on Debian and CentOS. I'll try to send some pictures soon.



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