Le 29/05/2015 15:52, Niki Kovacs a écrit :
I just installed Gtkam 0.2.0 from SBo. Previous versions of Gtkam didn't
support my Nikon 3100 camera and simply crashed. This version at last
seems to work.

One thing that's odd. After peeking in the source code's po/ directory,
the french translation seems to be fairly complete. On the other hand,
the whole application displays in english in my environment (Xfce 4.12
with LANG set to fr_FR.utf8).

I checked the SlackBuild to see if there's any --disable-nls or similar
option, but there doesn't seem to be one.

Any idea how I can make my application work in French?

I'll answer that myself, since I just figured it out.

First of all, Gtkam is abandonware, though it still works.

I've added a total of four patches from Arch AUR, as well as the complete french translation, which hasn't been included in the tarball, though the release dates back to 2012.


Maybe the Gtkam maintainer could merge this stuff in his SlackBuild?



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