I personally would like to see such a browse by category option on SBo.

Someone recently posted a similar link to the FreeBSD equivalent which was an excellent format.

If a visitor really doesn't know what they are looking for this would provide the most useful navigational organization in my opinion. I find tag groupings can seem somewhat arbitrary, whereas with categories you can know "where you are" in a hierarchy, even if you don't know the whole landscape. This allows you to build a mental map and learn to navigate that landscape whereas tags can seem more transitory.

So +1 for navigable categories with list format and short descriptions.


On 08/04/2015 09:45 AM, Petar Petrov wrote:

I was reading the categories/tags discussion.

I think people would mostly browse SBo by Category, if they just want to
get an idea of what's in the repo or casually looking for something that
may be useful.

The problem is that the programs' names are often not related to what the
software actually does. Therefore, a short description next to the name may
make things clearer and give the reader a quick explanation of what the
program is for. Something like this:


The "Description" column lists the short description in brackets from the
slack-desc file of each entry

just a thought...



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