2017-09-18 21:52 GMT+02:00 Habs <gen-...@useyouresp.org.uk>:
> From reading other posts, I will have a go with the -j switch and see
> what gives, but it seems remote.  Not sure what else to do, or I can
> do.  The previous version builds fine, so I can use that and not
> upgrade any more, until I understand what's going on (hmmm).

I was able to reproduce your error when building webkit2gtk with a
single make job (the default), while it went fine if two jobs or more
were used.

you can try adding a line like this to the SlackBuild (so that it
defaults to use at least two jobs)

--- webkit2gtk.SlackBuild.orig  2017-09-16 02:20:30.000000000 +0200
+++ webkit2gtk.SlackBuild       2017-09-19 10:54:00.493180645 +0200
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@

 set -eu

 rm -rf $PKG

or you can try also passing a MAKEFLAGS=-j${n} (with n >= 2) to the
SlackBuild to use multiple make jobs.

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