Hi Rich,

I don't know but in https://slackbuilds.org/repository/14.2/office/texlive/
it is said:

Note that this package conflicts with the tetex packages in Slackware, so you'll need to remove tetex and tetex-doc before installing TeXLive.

You did that, didn't you?


  I removed tetex years ago when Slackware replaced it with TeXLive.

I dont't really understand, you mean years ago when robby added texlive to SBo?

If you have /usr/share/texmf/ in your system, it looks like tetex is installed. You mentioned your beamer class is from 2004, that would also match.

I think
(as I just posted on Trac) that I need to remove the entire
/usr/share/texmf/ directory tree because texhash works only on
/usr/share/texmf-config/, /usr/share/texmf-dist/, /usr/share/texmf-local/,
/and /usr/share/texmf-var/.

Yes, like Didier said, remove all (te)tex(live) packages, and leftovers /usr/share/texmf-{config,var,local}, and also ~/.tex* and ~/texmf if present. Logout/Login as you still might have tetex env variables from /etc/profile.d. Install texlive from SBo, it might be sufficient to not install texlive-extra/fonts. btw. texhash is a link to mktexlsr, but that's already covered by the package's doinst.sh, that should be all.

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