Funny you mention that. I have it on good authority that a tutorial article on 
Rosegarden is going to be published on soon. I also happen to 
know that the author of the article writes his tutorials on Slackware with 
packages from SBo. I'll try to remember to post a link when it is released.

On 1 March 2018 9:57:13 AM NZDT, x80 <> wrote:
>On 02/22/2018 03:41 PM, Klaatu wrote:
>> Is anyone else having trouble building lilypond?
>> I get failure during ./configure, hinting that i need a more robust
>> stack.
>> checking for epsf.tex... ./configure: line 13764: kpsewhich: command
>> found
>> not found
>> checking for Cyrillic characters support in TeX... ./configure: line
>> 13777: kpsewhich: command not found
>> not found
>> I am *not* attempting to build its docs, which the SlackBuild's
>> specifically says cannot be done without installing texi2html.
>> The project docs mention some dependencies that don't appear in the
>> SlackBuild .info file, so that might be part of the problem, but the
>> error I'm getting doesn't really seem to correlate to Metafont or
>> Metapost (two things listed in the project docs but not the
>> docs).
>> Anybody try this lately?
>No problems on a fresh 64-14.2 fully updated.
>Jack is giving me problems tho - I get no sound in rosegarden, and 
>apparently I need to install a synth. I haven't a clue, I've never got 
>rosegarden to compile before and I don't know how to set it up.
>Time to rtfm I guess.
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