I'm also taking geoipupdate from Oleg A. Deordiev, I'll submit an update 

El Lunes 19/03/2018 a las 23:31, Ricardo J. Barberis escribió:
> Hi admins,
> I just submitted slackbuilds for collectd and git-cola, taking over
> maintainership from Lionel Young and Andrew Rowland respectively.
> Let me know if I should nag them to confirm on the list.
> Re: collectd, I just realized that I submitted the exact same version of
> collectd as in SBo instead of my newer version :/
> I'll submit an update in the next few days if SBo admins are OK with my
> take over.
> Thanks!
Ricardo J. Barberis
Usuario Linux Nº 250625: http://counter.li.org/
Usuario LFS Nº 5121: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/
Senior SysAdmin / IT Architect - www.DonWeb.com
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