> Hi,
> I don't know if it is on purpose but two times in a row my messages for
> submissions are truncated in the "approved" page's commit messages
> column. First, a few weeks ago, there was rstudio-desktop when I took
> over the maintenance and updated the version and message's "+ new
> maintainer." part was omitted in the commit message. This week it is
> again rstudio-desktop, another version update plus a fix in the symlink
> creation of the doinst.sh script and the message's "+ fix symlink
> creation (thanks to Michael a.k.a mykyoyo)" was omitted in the commit
> message. Why?

Hi Ekin,

There is a limit of 68 characters on the commit messages.  Also, there
is not any automatic way of adding your extra text to the commit
messages, I have to do it manually, and if it's late at night and if
it's taken an hour to clean up a submission, sometimes I forget.

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