Il giorno sab 11 ago 2018 alle ore 19:22 B Watson <>
ha scritto:
> I wasn't going to apply your patch since I don't consider the 2 issues
> above to be real issues... but I thought of a reason to apply it: what if
> the build host hasn't got a sound card at all? Either because it's got a
> weird one that the kernel hasn't got a driver for, or because it's a VM
> and whoever set it up thought "a test build system doesn't need sound"
> so they didn't enable it...

I actually tested this while answering _lord and this is the output
(build went fine):

First listen to the white noise input signal:
sndfile-play ../snd/noise.wav
opensoundsys_open_device : open : No such file or directory
Playing ../snd/noise.wav
make: [makefile:53: test] Error 1 (ignored)
Compare to plugin output.
Should be a noise band around 6000Hz, repeated quietly after 1s.
sndfile-play /tmp/test.wav
opensoundsys_open_device : open : No such file or directory
Playing /tmp/test.wav
make: [makefile:58: test] Error 1 (ignored)
Test complete.

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