On 9/6/19 6:38 AM, Willy Sudiarto Raharjo wrote:
>> I thought that I had, but I don't. Looking on the SBo web site I find a
>> PyOpenGL but not OpenGL. Am I looking in the wrong place?
>> Also, X is not crashing, only the GE instance.
> OpenGL is not provided by SBo, but rather from your GPU vendors, such as
> NVidia.

Slackware's Mesa-11.2.2 package implements the OpenGL 4.1 API.  The
vendor drivers (such as Nvidia) are only needed for FAST 3D OpenGL.  The
laptops here with integrated intel GPU (i915 kernel module), run GE just
fine, if a bit slow at times.

Rich's intermittent crashes are either due to currupted Google Earth
install, corruted  X.org install, or missing/corrupted dependencies, or
some settings in his DE/WM.

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