Hey all,

Couple of thoughts on the meson template.

First, --buildtype should probably be "plain" and not "release", because
"release" will stick a -O3 in there regardless of what CFLAGS are set
to -- yes, the CFLAGS passed in the standard template will follow and
override that, but it seems to be a cleaner approach to use "plain"
which will give full control over the debug and optimization flags.

I have seen some meson SlackBuilds that don't pass --buildtype at all,
and so what will land up happening there is, meson will default to
--buildtype=debug, which sticks a -g in there, so the standard Slackware
CFLAGS patched into the build command line will follow that, resulting
in an optimized build with debugging symbols. Yes, 'strip' will (I
assume) get rid of those, but it is leaving the door open for
unnecessary complexity and possible clashes that may serve to confuse.

As well, I would suggest -v be added to the ninja command, so that the
build command lines will actually show when the compile is happening,
similar to what a standard GNU make command would show. This will also
make it easier to track down issues with build flags (if any) that may

Logan (poprocks)
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