> Hello and have a nice weekend dear fellow Slack Builders,
> the trouble qtmib complained qmake missing
> "wich" finds "qmake" in "/usr/lib/qt5/bin".
> In "/usr/bin" I see "qmake-qt5 -> ../lib/qt5/bin/qmake".
> After
> ln -s /usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmake /usr/bin/qmake
> qtmib successfully built and I guess qtmib is not the only one.
> Kind regards and sorry for the noise
> Peter Dambier, DL2FBA

/usr/lib64/qt5/bin should be added to $PATH by /etc/profile.d/qt5.sh
So either you're not in a full root shell (eg: use "su -", and not just "su"),
or something else is wrong on your end.

You should have :
$ which qmake


        - Yth.

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