>>>     it seems that gitlab download filenames changed very recently.
>>> For example when downloading the new graphviz-8.0.1.tar.bz2 I get a file
>>> named :
>>> graphviz-8cd5300e2e31c80dbbfcdd65aad697187e5ac0b0.tar.bz2
>> This is what I get clicking on the link in firefox.
>> However wget   works as usual.
>> Didier
> No matter whether content disposition or not, the tar contains the following
> dir for 7.1.0: 'graphviz-e650d3ba65f6d672a1fe09505bb576d4fed320bc'. That's not
> the expect $VERSION naming. What the actual fuck...

That was the main problem, true.
Fortunaltely, it turns out this was probably a mistake on gitlab part, and
things are now working as usual again !

So Graphviz will be updated this week...

Cheers !

 - Yth.
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