Hi everybody.
Taking another look at my python2 packages, they are requirements of some other
stuff, most of which is unmaintained.

Amongst those there are packages very outdated, building for python2, no python3
version available on SBo, and the upstream newer versions are python3 only.
Most of them probable aren't working at all, probably build fine, but short of
really using it, with python packages, you can't know if they work.
Mosty of the one I've tested don't, they have broken dependencies, or rely on
Great Old Stuff from Way Before Slackware 15.0.

Hence those packages are in dire need of either :
 - someone to step up as maintainer, pushing an update to later version, using
python3 ;
 - be removed as nobody seems to use them, because they'd have complained about
their situation.

Here is a short list of the ones I've found, which are related to the python2
package I really want not to maintain anymore.

* To be updated or dropped
|                  |  version | date | newest |
| salt             | 2018.3.3 | 2018 |   3008 |
| tahoe-lafs       |   1.12.1 | 2017 | 1.18.0 |
| Scrapy           |    1.7.3 | 2019 |  2.8.0 |
| graphite-carbon  |   0.9.15 | 2015 | 1.1.10 |
| graphite-web     |   0.9.15 | 2015 | 1.1.10 |
| txtorcon         |   0.19.3 | 2017 | 23.0.0 |
| foolscap         |   0.13.1 | 2017 | 23.3.0 |

* To be removed because very obsolete, and often an old requirement of
tahoe-lafs or Scrapy, and not required by newer version.
Upstream has *not* been updated for years.
|                  |  version | date | newest |
| python2-orbited  |   0.7.10 | 2009 |    yes |
| TaskCoach        |    1.4.3 | 2016 |  1.4.4 |
| Nevow            |   0.14.4 | 2018 | 0.14.5 |
| sslstrip         |      0.9 | 2013 |  0.9.2 |
| Parsley          |      1.3 | 2015 |    yes |
| txsocksx         | | 2015 |    yes |
| txi2p            |    0.3.2 | 2017 |    yes |
| txrequests       |    0.9.6 | 2018 |    yes |
| Electrum-DASH    |    2.4.1 | 2015 |  2.8.3 |

* Other packages for which there is already a python3 package :
 - service_identity as a requirement of Scrapy and tahoe-lafs should be removed
after dealing with them, as a python3-service-identity already exists.
 - python2-klein -> python3-klein exists and is uptodate.
 - python2-ldap - > python3-ldap exists and is uptodate.

* Needing split :
 - python-m2r, for which python2 support could be dropped.

-> I will split python-m2r, taking python3-m2r, because it is an optional
dependency of python3-automat, which I maintain already. The old python-m2r
could then be removed, unneeded as I plan on removing python2-automat soon
I have absolutely no use of any of the packages I marked as needed to be updated
or removed, I have no wish to take over them.
They probably simply don't work at all, because some requirements are python3,
and other are python2, just look at Scrapy requirement tree, I can't see how it
would work.
Which means that nobody uses them.

My advice would be to remove them.
That means removing : salt , tahoe-lafs, Scrapy, graphite-carbon,
graphite-web, txtorcon , foolscap, python2-orbited, TaskCoach, Nevow,
sslstrip, Parsley, txsocksx, txi2p, txrequests, Electrum-DASH, service_identity,
python2-klein, python2-ldap.
And replacing python-m2r with a python3-m2r (which I'm willing to do).

That would lead to the removal of my packages : python2-attrs, python2-automat,
python2-mistune, python2-pyhamcrest, python2-pyzmq, python2-twisted,
python2-txaio. All available for python3.
And probably some more, which I don't maintain, but we may see clearer after
that big operation.

Cheers, and sorry for the very long message :)

 - Yth / Arnaud.
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