I am trying to get the document based on a Label. 

I have document present with label as "Production". 
In order to get the history, I am using ReportMethod of WebDavResource. 

Parameters passed to the report Method are 
httpURL = http://localhost:8080/slide
propertyNames = Vector containing D:version-history
HistUrls = vector containing /history/Production. 

When I execute the method, I get status as 
REPORT, 409 "Conflict", 
Can any one point me what I may be doing wrong ? 

Here is the code snippest. 
    HttpUrl httpUrl = new HttpUrl("http://localhost:8080/slide";);
    WebdavResource webdavResource = new WebdavResource(httpURL);
    Vector properties = new Vector();
    Vector histUrls = new Vector();
    Enumeration enum = webdavResource.reportMethod(httpURL, properties, 
histUrls, 1);
    System.out.println("Enum " + enum);    
    while (enum.hasMoreElements())
      System.out.println("Enum " + enum.nextElement());   

Thanks in advance,

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