Hi Terence,
this is exactly what WebDAV tries to be: A specification that is not
limited to a special programming language.
It's a protocol, but it can be seen it as an api (method names +
(header/body)parameters )
So I'd prefer an API that brings WebDAV to the java world. Some kind of
combination between Slide webdavclient and JSR-147.

Terence Kearns wrote:

Davide Savazzi wrote:

It could be interesting to write a store that uses jcr or implement jcr using slide :)

just a comment on the JSR in general.

It's too bad such a specification doesn't supercede a given technology (Java) as does the DOM API for instance. Then developers from other technologies (like .NET, PHP and others) could benefit in the same way all XML developers have benefited from the DOM API.

You could say the same for many Java specifications I guess but this one is so inherently techno heterogeneous.

It seems to me that JSR170 is like a macroscopic version of DOM -- where the repository in the case of DOM was restricted to XML packets and the XML infoset protocol.

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