On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 23:37:20 +0900, Carlos Villegas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oliver Zeigermann wrote:
> > OK, I will remove the author tags then. Concerning DAO, I was talking
> > about the general concept, while you seem to think about the Spring
> > implementation. Is that right?
> >
> Well I was just saying that in this imperfect world you can't just map
> any object to a relational model. Comming from EJBs and entity beans you
> are taught to keep your persistence (entity/peer) classes simple, simple
> serializable java beans. Just binding your java beans properties to

Any idea why the java beans should be serializable?

> fields in database tables. This way you can query your persistence
> classes in the same way with some abstracted SQL that eventually gets
> mapped to native SQL. But this way you still have to do abstraction
> mapping at the java level, between your domain objects and your entity
> classes. That's the approach I've taken, which is pretty standard, used
> in EJB and OJB. I haven't really explored DAO, ODMG or Spring so maybe
> these frameworks have less limitations in this respect and you can go
> closer to your domain objects. My first purpose with OJB was to remove
> database dependencies as much as possible. Let OJB take care of the
> database differences, that's all at this point. We can explore later the
> possibilities of using these frameworks in Slide in a cleaner design.

If I get this right, we could extract some code parts that simply map
peer to Slide classes  and have other parts that do the peer / OJB and
possible peer / something-else mapping?!
> > Anyway, this is our TODO-List, right?
> > - Content support
> > - Native Sequence support
> > - Compatibility with the old scheme (maybe using a migration tool)
> > - Think about mapping
> >
> Yes. That's it so far.

I have created


which I propose is the development Wiki page for the OJB store.
Initially it contains the above TODO-List.


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