On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 17:53:36 +0200, Roman D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to use file-level transactions with WCK,
>   and jakarta-commons transaction package seems like obvious choice.
> I have few questions;
> 1. Should transaction be created on request level, is it safe for
> concurrency e.g.
> in WebDavStore.begin() I have
> FileResourceManager manager= new FileResourceManager(....)
> and in WebdavStore.commit() I have
> manager.commitTransaction(...);

The default store implementation uses the FileResourceManager. Have a
look at it as a reference.
> Or manager instance should be somewhere else, on application level?
> 2. there is FileResourceManager.createResource() and deleteResource()
> methods.
> How do I rename/move? FileResourceManager documentation mentions that it
> renames/moves files. There is no any "rename" or "move" methods.

Renaming and moving should be composed of create/delete. Renaming and
moving in the documentation refers to the internal mechanisms.

> 3. Can't find any single example on the web how to use commons-transaction.


> 4. Is there any alternatives? e.g. Resource transaction APIs that may be
> used with Slide/WCK?

File stuff? No idea...


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