Hi all,
  I am facing one problem while communicating with the exchange server using 
Jakarta Slide Webdav library.
  Actually when i use the english characters and English version of Exchange, I 
can create appointments in exchange using Propatch. But when i use Chinese 
characters and try to save the appointment to Chinese Version of Exchage it 
throws 400 error code.
  This behaviour happens when i set the Content-Type header with 
charset="UTF-8". If i dont specify any chareset in the content type, it uses 
the default charset and saves the appointment but all characters are converted 
to ????????.
  Can any body guide me here what exactely i am doing wrong or what am i 
supposed to do to achieve the internationalization.I wants to achieve 
internationalization support with my application.
  Thanks & Regards,
  Milind Nighojkar

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