Thanks that fixed the problem when I changed it from false to true

Sree Polavarapu
Ext 4551

             "Eric Berenguier                                          
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          To
             01/05/2007 05:20                                          
             AM                                                    Subject
                                       Re: Slide and WebSphere         
             Please respond to                                         
               "Slide Users                                            
               Mailing List"                                           
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         


I've already had this problem.
It was caused by a wrong value in the default-servlet parameter in the


Quoting Sree H Polavarapu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> This is the same issue that was posted back in Sept 2004 but didn't see
> resolutions
> I have deployed slide.war (binary version of slide 2.1) file on
> Websphere app server 5.1 with security and authentication OFF.
> It is deployed successfully and I can also connect to the
> http://jcms/slide through
> my network place.
> When I connect through network place first time I can see following
> folders
> 1.                  actions
> 2.                  files
> 3.                  history
> 4.                  workingresource
> 5.                  workspace
> I can see only these folders as I have kept security and authentication
> OFF.
> But now when I double click on say "files" folders I am getting
> following messages
> Websphere log
> [1/4/07 7:19:22:373 EST] 35ae1fc9 TraceNLS      u No message text
> associated with key

> in bundle
> [1/4/07 7:19:22:372 EST] 35ae1fc9 SRTServletRes W Failed to create a
> with encoding: "UTF-8". The default encoding will be used.
> [1/4/07 7:19:22:757 EST] 35ae1fc9 TraceNLS      u No message text
> associated with key

> in bundle
> [1/4/07 7:19:22:756 EST] 35ae1fc9 SRTServletRes W Failed to create a
> with encoding: "UTF-8". The default encoding will be used.
> One more strange thing is when I double click "files" folder instead of
> getting blank list I am getting following
> list of folders on my windows explorer (basically in network place)
> 1.                  actions
> 2.                  history
> 3.                  slide
> 4.                  workingresource
> 5.                  workspace
> So my questions are
> 1.                  Is there any problem of XML encoding used by slide
> with WebSphere. If "yes" what could be the possible resolution of the
> same.
> And if "not" then why it is giving such message that Failed to create a
> writer with encoding: "UTF-8" (I know this is a warning message and not
> an error).
> 2.                  Secondly if everything is OK then why it is showing
> my list of folders when I double click on "files" folder.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated
> Thanks
> Sree Polav

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