Stephen Martin wrote:
> It sounds like the file is already locked.  If you are trying to refresh
> the lock, try calling
> discoverOwnLocks() (or something like that) on the resource before you
> call the
> lock method. Also are you providing credentials anywhere, you will need
> to do
> that on the HttpURL as well.

AFAICT, the file is not already locked.  I can lock/unlock it at will
with cadaver, PUT, GET, etc.  I'm trying to create a new lock, not
refresh an existing one.

Can you expand on the need for "credentials"?  I currently don't have
security turned on on my DAV directory.  Like I said, cadaver can
lock, unlock, etc. with no problem.

Another thing to note, the list() method works just fine; I can
connect to http://localhost/dav/ and list() will return an array
containing "ipilcher.ics".

Thanks for your patience!

Ian Pilcher                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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