us you read the answer to my question in the Jackrabbit User-mailing
list you know, that jackrabbit does not want to replace slide. It is
focused on the jsr-170 compatible store and not on webdav. (No ACLs, no
Events, no Bindings) And this can't change, because their webdav server
should run on any jsr-170-container.
In my small search I didn't find an opensource project that is on the
level that slide was. Did you?


Raymond Bourges schrieb:
> Hi,
> About: �Oliver made a fix in Subversion, but there was nobody who
> could release a fixed Slide, either as a minor update to the last
> Slide release years ago, or as a new release of the current code in
> Subversion.�
> In ESUP-Portail project we have made a lot of work over Slide. Perhaps
> because of our poor English we didn�t communicate about this. Sorry.
> Slide is used in many universities in France and we make a patch for
> Slide 2.1. You can find it here:
> http://www.esup-portail.org/consortium/espace/Securite/ESUP-2007-AVI-004-COR.zip
> It takes the form of a patch of AbstractWebdavMethod Class in order to
> use a special EntityResolver that avoid XML Entity attack. It works on
> LOCK method like Oliver�s patch and with other commands like PROPFIND.
> About ESUP-Portail project work over Slide we have:
> - Authentication Filter (LDAP, SSO with CAS and Shibboleth)
> - Specific Slide stores for groups (uPortal groups and Shibboleth�s
> attributes based groups)
> - A Quota for WebDAV (RFC 4331) based on Slide event mechanism
> Of course we plan to use Jackrabbit WebDAV server now. But, at this
> time, I don�t know if we can rewrite Slide extension in a jackrabbit
> environment. I just sign on jackrabbit mailing lists.
> Jackrabbit seems to be to ACP compliant. I find some information in
> �Coming from Slide...� thread in users mailing list.
> But have you some information on how to plug specific WebDAV group
> implementations in Jackrabbit? Is it spring enabled for example?
> Thanks a lot.
> Some information about ESUP-Portail WebDAV project:
> - Web site: http://sourcesup.cru.fr/esup-webdav-srv/current/index.html
> - The project site: http://sourcesup.cru.fr/projects/esup-webdav-srv/
> - A recent presentation of Shibboleth mechanism:
> http://www.terena.org/activities/eurocamp/november07/slides/bourges-the-shibboleth-enabled-webdav.pdf
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :
>> Hello Chris,
>>> JackRabbit does not currently have a WebDAV client implementation
>>> according to this post
>>> (http://www.nabble.com/Webdav-Client-Examples--tf4803755.html#a13852979).
>> The way I read this post, they have the implementation.
>> It is just not released as a separate component.
>> The released version of the Slide WebDAV client is
>> based on HttpClient 2.0, which has been unsupported
>> for years. It also includes contrib code from
>> HttpClient which was never supported in the first
>> place.
>>> I think it is clear that there is a need for
>>> a project like this.
>> That is good to know.
>>> Has there been any though in starting an Apache
>>> Commons project to provide WebDAV support?
>> Not as a Commons project, but it was discussed
>> as a part of HttpComponents. The most recent
>> discussion took place on [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>> http://www.nabble.com/-discuss--Slide-%2B-HttpComponents-%3D%3E-TLP-tf4207242.html
>> We made sure that the scope of the new
>> HttpComponents TLP allows for releasing
>> a WebDAV client, whether that is based on
>> Slide or Jackrabbit or something else. But
>> projects depend on volunteers to do the work.
>>> My understanding was that the Slide client was
>>> stable and would probably provide a good starting
>>> point for a WebDAV client.
>> It has no unit tests, no developer community,
>> and is based on an HttpClient API scheduled
>> for replacement. The Jackrabbit WebDAV client
>> is also based on an HttpClient API scheduled
>> for replacement, but it has a developer community.
>> I don't know about their unit tests.
>>> For more information on my WebDAV research see this post:
>>> http://pragmaticchris.blogspot.com/2007/11/java-webdav-clients.html
>> Thanks for the pointers. I may post a comment on
>> your blog later this week. For now: we did not retire 
>> Slide because Jackrabbit is a perfect replacement.
>> We retired Slide because it had no developer
>> community that could address a security vulnerability:
>> http://www.nabble.com/Warning%3A-Security-Bug-in-Slide-tf4736066.html
>> Oliver made a fix in Subversion, but there was
>> nobody who could release a fixed Slide, either
>> as a minor update to the last Slide release years
>> ago, or as a new release of the current code in
>> Subversion. Projects that cannot address security
>> vulnerabilities need to be retired. This does not
>> depend on the availability of an alternative. It
>> depends only on the availability of a developer
>> community.
>> Users of the current Slide codebase are welcome
>> to fork and support the code. They are even more
>> welcome to form a new project to move away from
>> the HttpClient 2.x/3.x API. I'm willing to invest
>> some effort into that next year, after we've
>> completed the HttpComponents move to TLP. But
>> at the moment, I don't see too many people working
>> on a WebDAV client. If you know any, please send
>> them our way :-) The best starting point for now
>> would be the Jackrabbit client code that is just
>> waiting for somebody to release it.
>> Of course you can always continue to use the
>> Slide WebDAV client. There wasn't much support
>> for some time, so the situation didn't really
>> change by the retirement. It is now just obvious
>> to anybody that the code is unsupported.
>> cheers,
>>   Roland
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