Hi all,

[Sorry for the duplicate if you already saw this on the Jackrabbit
users mailing list.]

In a few weeks I and many other Jackrabbit and Sling people will be
attending the ApacheCon EU in Amsterdam [1], and I'd like to take the
opportunity to organize a community meeting for JCR people.

On Tuesday, April 8th, we have a chance of organizing a JCR meetup for
everyone interested in JCR, Jackrabbit, and/or Sling. The meetup would
be free to everyone and wouldn't require attendance at the ApacheCon.
We could do JCR training, present and discuss different JCR deployment
projects, case studies, and other stuff, and generally get to know
each other better. Everyone is free and welcome to propose ideas for
short presentations, discussion topics, and other things you'd be
interested in seeing.

Let me know if you can join us in Amsterdam and would be interested in
attending such a meetup!

[1] http://www.eu.apachecon.com/eu2008/


Jukka Zitting

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