On 2 Jan 2009, at 18:44, Torgeir Veimo wrote:

Is it possible to use non-default scripts for resources that have no resourceType property?

According to http://dev.day.com/microsling/content/blogs/main/slingrequestprocessrevisited.html , requesting /content/notes.html should end up in executing the script /apps/notes/html.esp? It doesn't seem to happen in my setup with current sling trunk. (I get a "Resource dumped by HtmlRendererServlet" page).

"If the selected resource has no special resource type a script will be looked up based on the content path. For example, the script for / content/corporate/jobs.html will be searched in /apps/corporate."

That sentence, if still correct, should probably be added to 

Torgeir Veimo

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