On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz <
bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Valentin,
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 12:01 PM, Valentin Jacquemin
> <jacquem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I proposed a prototype for the JCR browser sometime ago on the mailing
> list
> > but just to know, will it be a project assigned to a GSoc student?...
> Yes, sorry I didn't reply to your proposal. Totally swamped at the
> moment, probably won't find time to really look at it before a week or
> so.

No problem it was just to be aware of the current situation.

> Anyway. such a project will only be assigned to a GSoC student if a
> committer proposes it and signs up as a mentor at [1]. For now it's
> just an idea floating around.
> >... In that
> > case I'll just move my effort on some other area of Sling... Even if at
> that
> > time I have to finish some other project that is consuming lots of my
> spare
> > time....
> Ok - a good JCR explorer is something that many of us are looking
> forward to, and it's not a trivial task, and Sling's OSGi plugins open
> some very interesting possibilities.
> So it's certainly possible for several people to collaborate on that
> anyway. But someone has to lead I guess, and at the moment it seems
> like none of the Sling contributors have enough free cycles for that.

Fine! As I am a newcomer in Sling/OSGi, i am here to collaborate and learn
from all of other participants.

> -Bertrand
> [1] http://wiki.apache.org/general/SummerOfCode2009

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