Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> On May 11, 2009, at 12:03 PM, Felix Meschberger wrote:
>> Carsten and I have been reasoning about the releases in the future,
>> mainly the ones for end-users who just want to grab a binary and fire it
>> off.
>> Basically, we will start releasing single bundles using the regular ASF
>> release process. This should enable us to release much quicker than with
>> big release we have done until now.
>> For the consumer releases we are talking about 4 projects mainly:
>>   * launchpad/base  - contains the launcher code, Felix framework
>>            and the OSGi core and compendium libraries.
>>   * launchpad/bundles - a very simple project to just pack together
>>            existing bundles
>>   * launchpad/app, launchpad/webapp - projects to create final app
>>            and web app from the base and bundles projects
>> So to release a "consumer product" we update the launchpad/bundles
>> project with all the bundles we want to include and prepare the releases
>> of the launchpad/bundles, launchpad/app and launchpad/webapp projects.
>> I know this is kind of "weird" in the Apache World, but in essence these
>> releases are not mainly targeted at developers and "manual builders" but
>> at consumers, who just want to grab-and-run it.
>> WDYT ?
> Apache only releases source code packages.  Those other things you build
> are not releases -- they are binaries that individuals build and upload.
Yes, that's right - now, we think that even for those things voting etc.
is a good thing. While legaly everything might be correct, but I don't
think that users are really able (or willing) to distinguish between a
release (source) and a downloadable binary. So it makes sense that those
binaries are checked and handled properly as well.

Carsten Ziegeler

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