
John Crawford schrieb:
> I have been working with sling for quite some time and, of course, Day
> products.  One thing that I have been increasingly concerned with is the end
> users ability to scrape all of the sites content and code with minimal
> effort using the built in functionality of the SlingPostServlet.

The Sling Get Servlet to be precise ;-)

> For Example:
> http://dev.day.com/discussion-groups/users.infinity.json
> http://dev.day.com/discussion-groups/apps.infinity.json

As Jukka said, you may employ access control to prevent this.

But there is a glitch for the scripts located in /apps and /libs:
Currently scripts are read from the repository using the session of the
current user, that is the request user.

So preventing access to

> http://dev.day.com/discussion-groups/apps/mailingLists/mailingLists.jsp

by simply denying read-access for the anonymous user actually prevents
using the site at all.

One solution to this problem could be to not load the scripts with the
session of the current user but to use a special-purpose session (for
example an admin session) to do this.

This way, you may lock down /apps and /libs for general consumption but
may still execute the scripts in there.



> one really disturbs me)
> So far, my solution has been to provide a proxy (namely Apache2) in front of
> sling to filter out any undesired requests.  Seems to work.  But, by doing
> this, it takes way what is so cool about Sling.  I have reported to Day
> Support numerous times, but they don't seem too concerned about it.  But for
> sites where the content is critical or where we require users to pay for our
> content, it is very important to us.
> Is there a better way to handle this?
> Please let me know your thoughts.
> Respectfully,
> John

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