I have committed a fix in Rev. 784278. You might want to update the
servlets/get bundle and crosscheck. Thanks.


Felix Meschberger schrieb:
> Hi Stuart,
> After re-reading the JsonQueryServlet, I saw the bug. It is not related
> to any JCR query stuff but to how we add properties to the result as per
> the property parameters. This is done by only accessing the property
> value as a single value which fails for multi-value properties ...
> I created SLING-1006 [1] to track this and will commit a fix shortly.
> Do you still need the full node dump functionality ?
> Regards
> Felix
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SLING-1006
> D. Stuart Freeman schrieb:
>> On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 08:18:01PM +0200, Felix Meschberger wrote:
>>> Hi Stuart,
>>> D. Stuart Freeman schrieb:
>>>> I'm trying to get back a multivalued property from the JSON Query
>>>> Servlet, but it appears that that doesn't work.  Here's what I did:
>>>> curl -Ftitle="some title text" -Ftext="some body text content" \
>>>> -Ftest="1" -Ftest="2" http://admin:ad...@localhost:8080/some/new/content
>>>> That posts successfully, and I can view it at
>>>> http://localhost:8080/some/new/content.json and see that test is
>>>> ["1","2"].  If I try to find it with JQS though at
>>>> http://localhost:8080/some.query.json?queryType=xpath&statement=/jcr:root/some/new/*&property=title&property=test
>>>> The title property is correctly displayed, but test is shown as "".  Is
>>>> this a known issue, or should I open a Jira?
>>> This is a fundamental problem of JCR Query: Multi-value properties are
>>> not returned in the Query rows. There is nothing Sling can do about it,
>>> unfortunately.
>>>> Also, is there a way to request that the JQS return all defined
>>>> properties on a node?
>>> Using the JsonQuery servlet you list explicitly the properties, which
>>> you want to get back. This servlet cannot return all properties of a
>>> node, right now.
>>> I could imagine though, that we could provide an enhancement of the
>>> JsonQueryServlet, which would return the contents of the QueryResult
>>> rows but the contents of the nodes matching the query.
>>> This would also allow you to get back the multi-value properties, since
>>> those values would be access through the matching node directly.
>>> WDYT ?
>> That sounds like exactly what I would need.
>>> Regards
>>> Felix

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