Felix Meschberger wrote:
> Hi,
> Replying to this message, but my response applies to the complete thread.
> Let's step back a second and look at what we really need to know to be
> able to decide the system is ready or not. And who is responsible to
> provide this knowledge.
> (1) The most basic criterion for the system to be ready is the available
> of certain services.
> (2) There must be away to specify which services are required.
> Now, this is very simple and easy: As Alex Klimetschek proposes we are
> using ConfigurationAdmin for this. Each service can be described by a
> few properties:
>    (a) Service Name
>    (b) Service Filter
>    (c) Number of services
> The configuration of required services is a multivalued string property
> of the format
>     [ number ] ( serviceName | serviceFilter )
> where
>     number        is an optional positive number of required services
>     serviceName   is the name of a service interface
>     serviceFilter is a service filter according to 3.2.6, Filter Syntax
> The system status service itself :
>    * requires the ConfigAdmin service to be present
>    * registers as a ManagedService to receive the configuration
> Thats basically all. Very simple, very lean.

I still hae my problem with storing the config in the config admin.
1) How does it get there?
2) What happens between the time when a) the main servlet and the config
admin are started but the config from 1) isn't there?

Carsten Ziegeler

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