Hi Ian,

Maybe you might want to ask this question on the Jackrabbit dev list
where JCR Query implementation specialist is also lurking.


Ian Boston schrieb:
> yes it was that thread that triggered the concern.
> "
> Obviously, a stupid example, but, unfortunately, not really to much to
> do about it except not sorting on large property fields...if you need to
> sort on the title of 200.000 docs...you better sort on the short_title
> (which I would prefer to be an index only property defined in
> indexing_configuration, but I think people have different opinions on
> this) "
> Does that mean that sorting huge numbers of documents on *small* fields
> has a similar problems. Unless there is a pre-query to estimate the
> number of hits (using the Jackrabbit getTotalCount() IIRC methods), then
> its going to be impossible to avoid submitting queries that could result
> in a sort on huge numbers of results.
> I had thought in the special case of sort by date the solution would be
> to split the searches up into chunks to avoid a massive sort.
> eg search for items in the last hour,
> if there are not enough items the next hour with some extending range.
> or perform a sequence of unsorted pre queries on a date range to
> determine the range required to return a set large enough to sort.
> On the basis that lastModified is a long, am I worrying unnecessarily ?
> Ian
> On 15 Jun 2009, at 17:59, Marc Speck wrote:
>> I've just read the thread http://markmail.org/message/wnn2bfwzwx2hn6v4 .
>> Maybe it helps,
>> Marc
>> On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 6:52 PM, Ian Boston <i...@tfd.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I want to perform a query where the full result set could be millions of
>>> items. That set needs to be sorted by the lastModified attribute on the
>>> node, and I only want to see a small number of items eg 100 after a
>>> particular date.
>>> If I do this, will there be scalability issues, or is the sorting of
>>> a date
>>> field optimized in the query engine ?
>>> Thanks
>>> Ian

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