> Using streaming replication for the DR Master could present a problem.
> Since it is in the same data center the following may seem unlikely. But
> what can happen is that the DR Master is further behind in replication than
> the Slony Slave at the moment, disaster strikes and the Master becomes
> unavailable. We never know ahead what will cause the Master to go down and
> how fast it will be.

What if the death is affecting the network interface of Master first. At
> first it is just losing a few packets and some of them are packets from the
> WAL sender to the DR Master. It will take several seconds for the TCP/IP
> protocol to detect that and retransmit. Time enough for several more
> transactions to commit and Slony to replicate them. And before the DR
> Master can catch up, the motherboard finally fails with a puff of smoke.
> What will happen with your below steps in this situation is that the Slave
> has some changes, that the DR Master doesn't have. The DR Master (now
> Master) will generate new SYNC events and the first (few) will have the
> same event number as ones, that the Slave had replicated from the old
> Master. They will be ignored by the Slave. So at the end the DR Master will
> be missing some changes made to the old Master and the Slave will be
> missing other changes that had been made against the DR Master.
Great Analysis Jan... I thought all of those what you mentioned. All you
mentioned are very true.
But, Thumb rule of all the thoughts is that, Master should be on top in
Events numbering, Slave events should be always lower. For example if
Master current events are in sequence of say '5000000023', then slave
should be < 5000000023. If your Slave events tops the Master Event Seq
number, then all your efforts go waste, even after promoting DR-Master as

I sticked to this rule only as Steve mentioned. I tried to maintain my
DR-Master (Streaming Replication) to be topper in Events and did not allow
Slave to cross master event number.

Simple test case would be, create master/slave/dr_master on one port with
the rule I mentioned above.

1. Setup replication with two databases master/slave with one table
replication and maintain SYNC.
2. Now Stop Slon on master & slave.
3. Here, assume we are promoting DR-master as Master. So,create new
database as dr-master with template=master on same port, bcoz, its going to
be the same as Master with Events when you stopped Slony in Step 2.

4. Now change the sl_path with store path() function on DR-Master & Slave.
Since, now DR-master would be the provider.

dr_master=# select _myrep.storepath(1,2,'host= dbname=dr_master
user=postgres port=5432',10);
(1 row)

On Slave

slave1=# select _myrep.storepath(1,2,'host= dbname=dr_master
user=postgres port=5432',10);
(1 row)

See above, my Dr-Master events number is greater than slave.

5. Now start slon process for dr-master/slave and you should see syncs.

-bash-4.1$ psql -d dr_master -c "select max(ev_seqno) from _myrep.sl_event;"
(1 row)

-bash-4.1$ psql -d slave1 -c "select max(ev_seqno) from _myrep.sl_event;"
(1 row)

Here onwards any DML's work smoothly.

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