So far, so good (surprisingly). Colin Powell seems to have had a
moderating effect on them although Rice and Rumfeldt(?) are a worry.
They're ideologues, Powell has real experience.

 On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, David
Fisher wrote:

:In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jon Biddell
:>At 21:02 11/09/01 +0100, Richard Ibbotson wrote:
:>> > The really scarey thing is that World War III is a VERY real
:>> > possibility over this....
:>>My assessment of it so far is that someone is going to get swung in a
:>>big way.  I think our American friends will be moving into place with
:>>some conventional cruise missiles shortly.
:>>As for world war.  Well, I'd wait out on that one myself :)
:>Whatever you think of US politics, just than <insert deity of your choice>
:>that Ronny Ray-Gun isn't still in the chair - the guy believed in
:>Armageddon, and would have pressed the button to start it.
:Do you really think for a moment the incumbent is any better?

Laurie Savage
Earth Science @ Orange High School
Orange, NSW, Australia

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