Adam Vaughan wrote:

>Redhat 7.1 is on a partition when I installed it I gave it it's own
>/boot and /swap.  the /boot and /swap I made big enough to support 4
>linux version.
>Redhat 7.0 is on it's own partition, sharing the /swap & /boot .  I
>didn't think it would do this but because there was already a linux
>native /swap and /boot it didn't ask me to create one in the install.
>By the line I mean the:
>root=/dev/hda7  (7 is the partition with Redhat 7.0)
>What what I put in there instead?
Your lilo should look something like this:

...  Common stuff up top

image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.16-22
  label = linux7.0
  root = /dev/hda7

image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.2-2    (assuming you are running the kernel 
that came with the disk)
  label = linux7.1
  root = /dev/hdaX

The X will be whatever partition you installed RH7.1 on.  If it was the 
same partition as RH7.0 then that line will be /dev/hda7.  To check, you 
can boot up into RH7.0 and run fdisk to see
(fdisk /dev/hda, then press p to print the partitions.  The linux native 
types are 83.  If you have two type 83 partitions then presumably one of 
them will be hda7.  You want the other one (probably hda8 if it was 
installed after 7.0)


Andrew E.

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