Hi all,

I have installed php4 on my debian box but the php script does not work
as I seem to have a problem with apache not loading the php module.
When I have the LoadModule line uncommented "apachectl start" does not
start the httpd daemon. I have to comment out the LoadModule line for
the php4 for apache to start and of course then php won't work.

How can I find out what the problem is in the loading of the module? 
The apache error.log file gets no entry in it as apache won't run with
the module trying to load even with LogLevel set to debug. 
A test of the httpd syntax with 'apachectl configtest' shows OK with the
module line in it so the syntax is ok.
Maybe its another previously loaded module making problems.

The 'test.php' test file is just:

Test PHP Info.
<?php echo "test"; ?>

My httpd.conf file contains:

    LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp4.so

I know that the order of these modules can be tricky. Its last in the
list and was put there by apt-get install php4 followed by apacheconfig.
Also in httpd.conf is the line...

    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

The module is there OK.

/usr/lib/apache/1.3# ls -l libphp*
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root      1363200 Dec 28 04:45 libphp4.so

Any ideas ?
Michael Lake
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