On Tue, Mar 12, 2002 at 10:07:20PM +1100, Bernhard L?der wrote:
> Ok, that works for known files, but what if I have to upload new directories
> & folders with files in them?
> Is there a recursive feature in ftp?

Unfortunately not. I have included a perl script that I wrote last week when suddenly 
my shell access was turned off by my web provider. This does not create any 
directories but its easy to add to this script if needed.  It uses ftp rather than 
having to worry about Net::ftp in Perl. Was a quick 20 min hack.
Note that you can use a .netrc file but it probably safer not to. If it is not there 
the ftp will just ask for the passwd.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $localDir    = "/home/mikel/public_html/speleonics/"; 
my $remoteDir   = "/home/mikel/public_html/";

my $i;
my @changedFiles;
my $ftpuploadFile = "/tmp/ftpupload.myisp";

print "\n";
print "****************************\n";
print "*** FTP upload to My ISP ***\n";
print "****************************\n\n";

print "FTP transfer uses file .netrc to connect to ISP.\n";
print "Local directory to upload files FROM will be: $localDir\n";
print "Remote directory to upload files TO  will be: $remoteDir\n";

@changedFiles = `find $localDir -type f -mtime -7`;

# Write the ftp script

open(FILE, ">$ftpuploadFile") || die "Can't open file: $!";

print FILE "open tazieff\n";
print FILE "prompt\n";
print FILE "lcd $localDir\n";
print FILE "cd $remoteDir\n";

print "\nAdding files to ftp script to upload...\n";
foreach $i (@changedFiles)
        $i =~ s/$localDir//;
        print "file: $i";
        print FILE "put $i";

print FILE "close\n";
print FILE "bye\n";

close (FILE);

print "\nRunning ftp upload now... (watch for errors below here)\n";
print `ftp < $ftpuploadFile`;

print "\nRemember to delete the file $ftpuploadFile when finished.\n";

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