At 12:07 pm, Sunday, April 14 2002, Dane mumbled:
> I think its awfully presumptuous to think that the LinuxChix dont want to meet 
Funnily enough, girls have an opinion too. If some girls are anything like
me (and I hope to $DEITY there *aren't*, as I think I'm seriously disturbed), 
they wouldn't want to be involved with anyone that works in computers.

> I'd turn up but Im pretty sexy so I fear that I would be singled out and ogled and 
>drooled over.
Okaaaaaaaaaay, then.

> I do admit that it is a possibility that my mere presence would attract a greater 
>female attendance to the LinuxChix meetings but I refuse to prostitute myself for the 
>Linux cause like this.
My, aren't we confident.

Keep living in that dream. It must be good.

Portable, adj.:
        Survives system reboot.

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