ok firstly i need to know a few things because you were a little vague with your description of the problems.
when you say you cannot ping any ip addresses outside the firewall does this mean you are trying to ping the address from a machine inside the firewall, or from the machine that is directly connected to the internet. if you mean the first option then chances are Masquerading isn't turned on. whats happening is when you try to ping a host outside you network, you may see your modem flash as the packets go out but you dont see flashing as packets come in...thats because the external host has no way of contacting your machine inside your firewall.
if your machine has the address and you try to ping www.hotmail.com then, as long as you have routing enabled on the gateway/firewall, the gateway/firewall will send the ping request out on the external interface but will maintain the source address as and because of this there's no way that external host can return the message back to the originator unless masquerading is configured.
Masquerading would simply replace the source address with the address of the external interface of the gateway. i know thats a little vague..sorry.
The other option is that your firewall may not even have forwarding configured...this means that nothing from internal clients would be sent out on the external interface which could explain why you cant ping, telnet, or FTP and possibly why you cant access you email server.
the second problem is that it looks like you may not have dns configured properly... I have no idea what errors your email server is generating but maybe its domain related which might also explain why squid takes so long to retrieve sites.
This may or may not work but try running /etc/rc.d/init.d/named start
I once had the same problem as you...squid taking ages to retrieve sites...i started named and it worked fine. Another fix may be to double check your dns settings.
if you have a dialup internet account then you could possibly get away with leaving your dns settings blank that way when your dialup connection is established the settings will be retrieved from the dialup server.
You should also double check your ACL entries. this defines who is allowed to use squid to surf the web, or download stuff, or what ever...
basically it looks like:
acl lan src
http_access allow lan
what do you use this machine for? why did you install RedHat 7.2? what did it used to have installed? maybe if it was working before and not now then you over looked something during the RedHat setup.
If its is quite simply a gateway/firewall and nothing much else then maybe you should think about using something like E-smith (now known as SME), or smooth wall..it does all the firewall configuration for you, mail server configuration, etc...
its really quite good...i can supply a copy if you need.
Anyway i hope this helps you understand a little better. I cant provide immediate solutions to the problems partly because i dont know anywhere near enough about whats actually happening, or what error codes your getting, and because i need to know more about your setup.
Best of luck
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chrisj
Sent: Monday, 29 April 2002 11:52 PM
Subject: [SLUG] Squid/Firewall Helpppppp (Please)

Hi Guys, Have just installed RH 7.2 including squid 2.4 and firewall. Having many problems .. any help appreciated...
1. Have internal Network using 192.168.x.x addresses
2. Have an email server outside of firewall delivering mail to internal network
Problems ...
1. Cannot ping any ip addresses outside of Firewall
2. Cannot retreive email from email server
3. Cannot FTP/telnet to outside world
4.  Have played with squid.conf and can access some web servers via http, however very, very slowwwwwwww,  (like 5 minutes to fuly load the hotmail page)
4. Have tried to change some firewall parameters using 'setup', however it keeps defualting back to 'high'
Any help appreciated (in plain english please)

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