This sounds great like a great idea. Problem is if say, Appendix A (in
A.pdf) is stored in page 16 in one document and page 19 in another (ie.
Appendix A may not necessary be in one particular page), how would I insert
the content of B.pdf into page 17 and 20 respectively? Would I need to
convert A.pdf to Latex first to work out where Appendix A is located? If so,
would you or anyone else know how to do this by any chance?

As you can see, I am totally clueless about Latex.


-----Original Message-----
From: Angus Lees [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, 21 May 2002 3:31 PM
To: Hartono, Susanto
Subject: Re: How to append a PDF file into another PDF file

At Tue, 21 May 2002 13:36:08 +1000, Susanto Hartono wrote:
> Is it possible to append the content of one pdf file into another without
> using the commercial version of Adobe Acrobat? I am trying to insert the
> content of one pdf file into a particular section of another. For example
> A has multiple headings as shown below, how do I insert the content of B
> immediately after Appendix 1 - without affecting the overall content? I'd
> like to script this if possible as there are quite a number of pdf files
> that have to be done.
> [ File A ]
> Heading 1
>   Content
> Heading 2
>   Content
> Appendix 1
>   >> Insert content from B <<
> Appendix 2
>   Content 

as silly as it might sound, i tend to use pdflatex for most of my pdf

grab the "pdfpages" package from your nearest CTAN mirror:
 latex pdfpages.ins
 if you want the documentation, do "latex pdfpages.dtx" 3 times

export TEXINPUTS="/path/to/pdfpages//:$TEXINPUTS"

put this in (eg) "combine.tex":

% above must be first line in file



\includepdfmerge{\filea, -\insertafter, \fileb, -, \filea, \thenextpage-}

then do:

 pdflatex --interaction=batchmode \
  '\def\filea{A.pdf}\def\fileb{B.pdf}\def\insertafter{16}\input combine.tex'

 mv combine.pdf AB.pdf

to (for example) combine B.pdf into A.pdf after A.pdf's page 16.

you probably want to put that last bit in a shell script loop or

 while read A B page; do
   pdflatex --interaction=batchmode \
   mv combine.pdf "${A%.pdf}_${B%.pdf}.pdf"
 done < input_file

where input_file contains lines like:
 file1.pdf file2.pdf 16
 anotherfile.pdf yafile.pdf 7

(i'm sure someone who has actually read the TeXbook knows a much
better way to specify parameters on the command line..)

 - Gus
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group -
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