Any ideas on what is needed to make /dev/usbscanner permanent?  After a reboot,
it seems I need to do

        sudo mknod /dev/usbscanner c 180 48
        sudo chmod 666 /dev/usbscanner

each time.

Would it be a matter of a startup script, or is there another way.

And in a similar area, when I list /dev/usb, I get

                  nick@artarmon ~ % ls /dev/usb -l
                  total 0
                  crw-rw-rw-    1 root     root     180,  48 Jan  1  1970 scanner0

You can't get much more permanent than eternity. Well at least since the dawn
of time.

And strangely, root is not allowed to rm that device, according to the means
known to me. (I seem to recall making that one some time agao when I was trying
to configure an unsupported scanner).

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