Hi there

Just wondering who might recommend a good multi-page tiff viewer. Has anyone tried to get this going on a Linux desktop (one of my clients is now rolled over to Linux Desktops with Win4Lin).

Multi-page tiffs seem to be a common standard for faxes. It's currently a trouble getting them viewable quickly and smickly on Linux.

FYI In case you're looking at going Linux on the desktop. FWIW this is the office setup and it's working well:

Thin client X (GDM backend).
Open Office for office apps except they use WORD to fit in with clients. Grrr.
Win4Lin (server edition) for MYOB and WORD
Samba for the network drives for remaining WinPCs (2)
OpenLdap for a global address book. Accessible by all staff in write mode. This makes it a really useable central address book.
Evolution accessing the Ldap directories in read/write and direct to the Maildir.
Some imap still used.

Still a small setup but the performance is great. If it starts to suck, we can just beef up the X box (to coin a phrase).


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