When I investigated this the other imap servers (ie other than courier) did not do Maildir. If this is not an issue then you're fine with wu-imap.


Kevin Saenz wrote:

how about wu-imap? it comes with Redhat

G'day all...

I'm wanting to create an IMAP server that will play nicely with postfix,
and am currently considering Courier.

It's for a small organisation and network, on a RH9 server that does not
have development tools installed (no gcc, etc). (FWIW, 900MHz Celeron
hardware - not too grunty, especially with Gnome2 running on top of it.)

I guess, I'm looking for a lightweight, robust, binary-distributed imap

Courier looks great, only there isn't any RPMs available for it.

I've downloaded the compressed archive for it, and gone to rpmbuild it,
however I get these errors:

# rpmbuild -ta courier-imap-
error: Failed build dependencies:
       openssl-devel is needed by courier-imap-
       gdbm-devel is needed by courier-imap-
       pam-devel is needed by courier-imap-
       fam-devel is needed by courier-imap-
       postgresql-devel is needed by courier-imap-
       openldap-devel is needed by courier-imap-
       mysql-devel is needed by courier-imap-
       openldap-servers is needed by courier-imap-

Argh! I don't want ldap, mysql, postgresql, fam, gdb, openSSL anyway! I'm
worried if I install all those packages just to satisfy dependencies I'll
actually have to install a far greater number of packages than the amount
listed above. (I'm wanting to keep things compact here.)

Any suggestion? I was hoping to go down the Courier+Maildrop+Postfix path,
but I'm happy to have alternatives.



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