At 12 Aug 2003 13:49:53 +1000, Alan L Tyree wrote:
> One of the other publishers is using DocBook as their primary system, so
> I thought I would have a look at changing from LaTeX. But, as I said, I
> need (or at least want) the good author support (outlining, citation,
> cross-referencing) that I get with emacs/auctex/reftex.

psgml-mode will fold/unfold elements, thats about as close as I think
you'll get to outlining.  You could probably add speedbar support or
something pretty easily though (I don't think it supports speedbar out
of the box, but I haven't tried).  It also has lots of ways of moving
around the SGML source, so you might find that good enough for
skipping around the document.

Cross-referencing should work ok (even referencing particular pieces
of other docbook files).  Like everything else in docbook, the process
is very markup-heavy compared to LaTeX.

I haven't looked, but I'm guessing citation/bibtex-stuff is one of
those "its so easy with XML/SGML that no-one bothers publishing their
solution" things.  Indeed, given a good bibtex-esque database, it
should be quite simple to find all your citations and build another
XML/SGML file containing the relevant bibliography.

With docbook, be prepared to get familiar with DSSSL or XSLT+some
other language.  Unlike TeX, your source is data (not code) so will
almost certainly need a more complicated build process surrounding it.

(I alternated between preferring LaTeX or DocBook for years.  I think
they each have clear strengths/weaknesses and should be considered
carefully on a case-by-case basis.  I'm completely sold on ConTeXt at
the moment though ;)

 - Gus
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