A word of advise...People are less likely to want to help when you
appear to be demanding it of them...

Dont get me wrong, I understand that you are frustrated, possibly been
searching mailing lists, google, IRC, etc with no luck (or maybe you
haven't ;) and this is your last ditch effort. Thats fine, but dont beg.
LUGs seem to be more forgiving that IRC and other places, but it still
puts people off.

Good luck,


On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 07:16, Jared Pritchard wrote:
> Hi - I'm new to this group, and relatively new to linux....
> (I work in it every day and have done for the past 8-10months or so - but
> it has been all in VI editing HTML & PERL scripts etc. so no specific
> linux commands besides the basics)
> but now I have reached a point in the PERL scripts that it sends emails
> out to a list of users... however, when they receive them, it is addressed
> from 'nobody'. We REALLY REALLY need to change that!!!
> I use the command 'mail'  in the form
> mail -s subject [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /tmp/mailout.$$
> I cannot find an option in the 'mail' man pages that allows me to specify
> the 'from' section, and I am assuming that it is the 'user' that sends the
> email that fills in that position. Maybe the user is guest, or nobody or
> whatever - i don't know  :/
> How can I change the user or specify the 'from' field in the email without
> using a different mailing program? I need it to be admin or something -
> If I have to change mail programs, I will opt for sendmail in the short
> term, so what I would need the correct syntax to accomplish the same as
> above WITH from defined as well  :)  (the man pages for sendmail weren't
> much help in this regard)
> Any help will be muchly appreciated!!!
> Regards,
> Jared Pritchard

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
More Info: http://lists.slug.org.au/listinfo/slug

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