I'm somewhere along the path of setting web server and mail server on RH73
with Postfix; so far, I've created all the users that have web vhosts, and,
more or less set the Apache vhosts for them.

the web users have no shell access, just ftp, and, /home/%username% is
owned by root

now I'm looking at setting the mail server 

I want to import couple hundred or so users, and, create /home/*/Maildir
structure preferably at same time. I have no data, just users and dir tree
that I need to create.

Whilst Postfix would create the Maildir tree on first mail delivery, that
didn't work for me, as I CHOWNed all /home/user to be owned by root

these uses will be ONLY mail users, no shell, no ftp, just POP3 mail
from some ISP  

- what tool I use to import users ?
- to create desired dir tree ?
- what to use to DISABLE ftp access ? (is that something in need to
do in ProFTPd ?)

should I also CHOWN all /home/username(s) to be owned by root ?

thanks for all suggestions,

Voytek Eymont
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group - http://slug.org.au/
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