> Hi Sluggers:
> I'm trying to install AWStats onto my web server. However I am stuck with
> the setup/install instructions.
> It asks me to install all scripts on the server's cgi-bin, where is that
> located for "root" ?

It has nothing to do with root per se. Your webserver runs under a user a
separate user account normally, mine runs under apache group apache. Some
run under www-data group www-data, some nobody group nobody.

cgi-bin for me is located in /var/www/cgi-bin/ . It depends on your OS. try
"locate cgi-bin" (damn cryptic linux commands ;-)
That is where you install it.

> It also asks me to install some other files in a directory readable by web
> server. Again does root have a directory that I can access via web ?

Forget root. Find out what user your webserver is running under. "locate
http.conf" then go less on that file and check it out. Then just make sure
that user has read access to the directory you put the files. Its not a big
issue generally most directories are created with read access.

joelh [01:04:32] joelh $ ls -dl /var/www/cgi-bin/
drwxr-xr-x   11 root     root         4096 Sep  7 00:00 /var/www/cgi-bin/

Mine is owned by root but has read access by all.


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