How the hell can you justify that comment - that it is the "email client
user's" responsibility ?  Why the hell should people have to PAY to
download spam they don't want and didn't ask for, just because some
mailing list they subscribe to is run by a bunch of irresponsible
amateurs (and I'm not having a go at the SLUG maintainers here - just an
example) ?


"semper in excreto es sed profundum variat" 

-=> -----Original Message-----
-=> From: Kevin Saenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
-=> Sent: Monday, 29 September 2003 5:27 PM
-=> To: Jon Biddell
-=> Subject: Re: [SLUG] The final Word
-=> Jon, I doubt it will ever be your last word.
-=> > By bouncing each and every spam I receive from this list 
-=> back to the 
-=> > committee members...
-=> > 
-=> It's good to see you are taking a +ive approach that is 
-=> constructive. I would love to be a committee member on your 
-=> receiving end, my config of spamassassin would deal with 
-=> your crap quick smart. :) IMHO (though it counts for very 
-=> little) dealing with spam is the responsibility of those 
-=> who use an e-mail client.
-=> > Not childish when you think of it - if it's only this way 
-=> that they 
-=> > can be "made aware" of their responsibilities, then so be it.
-=> > 
-=> beg to differ
-=> > Agree or don't - I don't give a fuck anymore...  No, I'm not 
-=> > subscribing, but I AM watching...
-=> Each to their own.
-=> -- 
-=> Regards,
-=> Kevin Saenz
-=> Spinaweb
-=> I.T consultants
-=> Ph: 02 4620 5130
-=> Fax: 02 4625 9243
-=> Mobile: 0418455661
-=> Web:

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