On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 10:10:11AM +1100, Jason Ball wrote:
> > Eh?  1B = 8 bits.  Or have video card makers now started screwing the public
> > over by counting thei video memory in bits?  I hope HDD manufacturers never
> > catch on to this trick (like redefining a gig as 1 billion bytes, so their
> > hard drives look bigger).
> That has been the case for a number of HDD manufacturers for a while.
> http://www.eweek.com/print_article/0,3048,a=107838,00.asp

I know that, it's why I said it.  What I was referring to was the possible
attempt by the HDD manufacturers to list drive capacities in bits, so they're
numbers are 8 times as big.


- Matt
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