Looks good. I wonder what the community will make this one do? If only
they had a linux brand mark on the front 'Powered By The Penguin'
perhaps. Something like what Cyclades do on their gear. Might raise even
more awareness of OSS and it's ubiquity.


>From the article:

Fans of hacking Linksys' Open Source based WRT54G router  will be happy
to know that the company has presented you with another opportunity in
the NSL. If you browse the included CD, you'll find a folder that
contains original source for the SnapGear Embedded Linux that runs the
NSL, plus source files for the various modified Linux modules used in
the product.

Just as Linksys' venerable BEFSR41 "Linky" router marked the start of
easy, affordable Internet sharing for the masses, I predict the NSLU2
will do the same for NAS. I haven't been this enthused about a product
in a long time, let alone one from the networking equivalent of the
Borg. But I have to say that the NSLU2 has restored my faith in Linksys'
ability to shake the industry up a bit.

Yes, I know rolling your own SAMBA server can be even cheaper if you
happen to be handy with Linux, but for about $125 (using your own spare
drive and a cheap USB 2.0 enclosure), why not just save yourself some
time and keep your blood pressure where it should be?


On Wed, 2004-07-07 at 23:47, Richard Neal wrote:
> Hai
> Just saw this interesting Linux device it's a tiny NAS/samba server just
> add a USB hardisk of choice..
> http://www.tomsnetworking.com/Reviews-155-ProdID-NSLU2.php
> cheap too
> Regards
> Richard Neal
> ***********************************************************************
> On the fifth day the Governor of the town called all the tribal chieftains
> to an audience in the market square, to hear their grievances. He didn't
> always do anything about them, but at least they got *heard*, and he nodded
> a lot, and everyone felt better about it at least until they got home. This
> is politics.
>         -- Carpet politics are very similar to Discworld politics
>            (Terry Pratchett, The Carpet People)
> ***********************************************************************

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