Michael Chesterton wrote:

"Voytek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

|     Databases     |
| atom              |
| commodore         |

perhaps some has such a script already ?

mysqlshow|perl -e 'while(<>){if(/\|\s([^ ]+)/){print "$1\n"}}'

which assumes no spaces in database names.

But I think there would be a more eloquent way.

Wrote mine completely in perl. Excuse the formating - was mucked up in pasting it. It basically grabs a list of databases from the mysql db and proceeds to back it up while keeping a weekly rotation schedule. Probably other ways to do it but this met my needs.


use DBI;
use Mysql;
use Date::Pcalc qw(:all);
#use CGI;
#need username, password, name, email, url

$DB_Host = "localhost";
$DB_Name = "mysql";
$DB_User = "mysql_user_with_global_access";
$DB_Password = "password_here";
$backuppath = "/var/mysqlbackup";

my $dbh =
or die "$Mysql::db_errstr";

($year,$month,$day) = Today();
if (length($day)==1) {
       $day = "0$day";
if (length($month)==1) {
       $month = "0$month";

($oldyear, $oldmonth, $oldday) = Add_Delta_YMD($year, $month, $day, 0, 0, -7);
if (length($oldday)==1) {
$oldday = "0$oldday";
if (length($oldmonth)==1) {
$oldmonth = "0$oldmonth";

$dbh->selectdb(mysql) or die "$Mysql::db_errstr";

my $sth = Query $dbh "SELECT * FROM db" or die "$Mysql::db_errstr";

while (my @arr = $sth->fetchrow) {

print "$arr[1]\n";
system("rm $backuppath/daily-$arr[1]-$oldyear$oldmonth$oldday.sql");
system("mysqldump --opt $arr[1] -u $DB_User --password=$DB_Password > $backuppath/daily-$arr[1]-$year$month$day.sql");

undef $sth;
undef $dbh;

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